Document Automation

Doxey creates PDF, Word, Google Docs and LibreOffice documents by merging your data into your templates while retaining the formatting.

Simple and clean templates

Doxey comes with a simple yet powerful template language that we have designed from scratch to keep your templates simple and clean.

Editing templates is easy

Templates are just Google Docs, Word or LibreOffice documents. Users can edit them with the tools they know and love.

Developers first

Doxey has been created from developers for developers. The hand-crafted online documentation will help you to get up and running quickly.

See what's possible with

Click on the image to view or download the template


Modify the data that will be merged into the template

    "name" : "John Doe", 
    "company" : "ACME", 
    "address" : "1234 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103, United States", 
    "date" : "2019-09-23T18:25:00.000Z",
    "invoiceNumber" : "INV-12345678",
    "signer" : "Cora Nilson", 
    "signature" : "",
    "subtotal" : 1301,
    "vatRate" : 19,
    "vat" : 247.19,
    "total" : 1548.19,
    "items" : [ 
            "name" : "Project Setup", 
            "description" : "Create github repo, setup timetracker and Slack channels", 
            "amount" : 90
            "name" : "Optimize Photos", 
            "description" : "Scan, crop and scale images to reduce loading times", 
            "amount" : 340.50 
            "name" : "Website structure", 
            "description" : "Copy blank boostrap template. Setup pages and adjust links", 
            "amount" : 250.50
            "name" : "CSS theme", 
            "description" : "Create CSS styles according to CI", 
            "amount" : 620 

Click on the image to merge your data into the template

See more examples

Get started with

Hello World!

1. Create the template
Create a document (either Google Docs, LibreOffice or Word) with the following contents:
Hello ${name}

2. Get the sharing link
Save your file online and get the sharable link from your Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox and paste the link below:

3. Open the URL
Open the following link in your browser:

You have merged your first document with Doxey! Feel free to modify the name parameter and reload the page.
The generated PDF document will reflect your changes immediately.

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Save money with

Save up to 90%

While our mission is to make developers happy, you can make your managers happy in return!

Doxey comes with a simple and fair pricing that will save you a bunch of bucks!

A plans come with an unlimited number of templates so that you will not run into unexpected showstoppers.

See all plans →
Documents Doxey WebMerge Docupilot
500 / month $29 $219.99
Save ~ 90%
Save ~ 70%
1,000 / month $49 $439.99
Save ~ 90%
Save ~ 65%
2,500 / month $99 $399
Save ~ 75%
10,000 / month $299 $699
Save ~ 60%
Enterprises - We've got you covered!

SaaS or On-Prem

If you want to run Doxey on your own local or hosted servers, we also offer on-prem enterprise licenses.

High-speed local printing

When running Doxey on your own Windows, Mac or Linux server you can print generated documents at high speed on your local printers.

We have enterprise customers printing ID cards, address labels, contracts and other quite unusual documents on special paper and other material.

Get in touch →
Automate Doxey with

Trusted and evolved since 2012

Doxey has been extracted from our award-winning automation software Ultradox. With Ultradox you can create all kinds of integrations, automations and even user facing apps by simply assembling a flow of ready-made building blocks.

Ultradox used Doxey to merge documents and has been improved over time. Trusted by hundreds of enterprises large and small, it is now very mature and stable.

If you ever want to take advantage of Ultradox: Your Doxey templates will just work in Ultradox.

Learn more →
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